Posted by Caleb Fleming |

I've got my $500 dollar rubber band on this week.  It's really a tool for marital counseling.  We went to Community of Faith on Sunday with my family and this was the sermon.  We're all supposed to wear them this week and when we have negative thoughts, or thoughts of unforgiveness we pop it.  It's a silly reminder - but I've popped it a few times this week for sure.  When I see a guy who doesn't have anything, and think to myself "thank-you God for blessing me with all these things, and thank you for being enough so I don't need them"  I'll pop it.  Luke 18 - couldn't we all be more humble?  Everybody sins, everybody falls short for the grace of God.  How could I not see the man who has less and be compelled to give him what I have? POP.


Anonymous said...

You were at Community of Faith?!? Your parents go to CoF?!?!? I have the $500 rubber band, too. I still can't believe how often you're down here, and then I think - duh! You're from here! haha, hope you're doing well.