9:02:00 AM

Possum Kingdom Lake

Posted by Caleb Fleming |

This weekend Krystel and I were fortunate enough to have some great friends of ours come out to the lake house with us.  Talk about a fun couple too - laughs all the time and really authentic hearts.  It's enouraging to spend time with somebody that challenges you to be better with out saying a word.

This monring I woke up before the rest of the gang, go figure huh?  Headed down to the trading post for eggs, chicken, and a bag of deer corn so we can feed Bambi tomorrow morning.  Now I'm sitting on the back porch and this is beautiful.

Who can sit out here and not be in constant wonder about God?  I just finished The Shack yesterday and it has really made me think more about what I see.  Yes I see trees, water, sky, and grass but thre is more going on out here than what I can see.  Who pushes this water and I down, while pulling the trees to the sky?  I don't see anything - but trust that it's going to just stay this way.  I just hit that point where I'm amazed that life could be this complex and simple at the same time.

If I weren't bound by time would all of this creation be dancing for God?  Rejoicing that he's going to be coming back to redeem everything?  I'm excited about, that I know for sure!


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