10:52:00 PM

Goals for this year

Posted by Caleb Fleming |


Who ever said that goals were only to be set on Jan 1? And all too often with no thought put into it.

My Goals:
1. Sell 1 new item per week at www.stormthebeach.com
2. Have 1/2 my house paid off in 8 years.
3. Become a recognized stock photographer in 3 years, have a decent income from it by January 2010
4. Blog at least once a week.
5. Don't upgrade my camera until I can make money with this one
6. Watch only 1 hour of TV per day for the next month (as a trial run)
7. To-Do lists every day to maximize my time

Krystel is wrapping the rest of the christmas presents right now, that's right it's just December 2nd and we're already done with all our shopping (except for my brother-in-law, but that'll be done soon enough).

Thanksgiving was great here, actually in Odessa.  We headed out there from wednesday till sunday and it's always great to see family.  There are some great people out there too!  I've got a big 'ol stack of books to read too.  "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill; "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing"; and a few others I don't remember the name of.

Rusty Combs and I will be starting meetings here and then about "The Heavenly Man" by Brother Yun and I'll be posting either audio or notes on what we talk about. Feel free to read along with us, we'll be discussing the first chapter after I get the book.  Dang Rusty bought the last book from Barnes & Nobles - Amazon.com here I come!

And for now, bed here I come!