1:38:00 AM

Second wind.

Posted by Caleb Fleming |

Second wind.
Its been a really long time since I stayed up late, and if it weren't
for that Spanish test Thursday I'd stay up much later. Living gets in
the way of life sometimes, or the other way around maybe.

We talked the other day about what we would change about ourselves if
we could go back 4 years and do it again. I would go out with friends,
get a hair cut and live!!

What would I say if I could look back two years from now? I'd want to
savour special/insignificant times - the feel of the sheets, the smell
of Downey, stop and think of Krystel for longer than myself, speak my
feelings. So these are the decisions that I am making today.

What would you change about yourself 4years ago? Now?

Caleb Fleming
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