1:50:00 PM

Rough Holidays

Posted by Caleb Fleming |

I love the Charlie Brown Christmas Song, I love the Christmas CD "Hotel Cafe Presents Winter Songs"

So far this year they've been hard to listen to though.  Its like they come through thicker air than usual.  All of life revolves around new life.  Families by nature talk about new things, or they talk about how new all these old things used to be (think about it next time you're around the table).

There are waves of emotion that come and go, especially that came yesterday at Community of Faith yesterday during the baby dedication.  I cried, and through foggy eyes was able to sing a beautiful christmas song.  Krystel was out in the hall with mom, and I was praying that God would be show me how to take a hold of the abundant grace that he has already given to me. 

Misscarriages are hard.

Only 6 weeks from his creation, our sweet baby is now being cared for by Jesus, the ultimate comforter of our universe. I want so bady to hold him or her and tuck them close to my chest, protecting them from all the harm of the world, raising them up to be strong belivers in Jesus Christ by my examples of love and passion.  This is hard, very very hard.

If anybody can be there though, let it be Jesus, and while he holds me I know that he's holding my baby too - both of us close to his heart.

Thank-you God for taking care of me further than I could have ever deserved.  You are my rock and my shelter - in you my soul finds no harm. Only safety for the utmost essence of who I am.