6:54:00 PM

Streams of Consiousness

Posted by Caleb Fleming |

Tryin' out a new thing here folks, outlines so you can skip the parts you don't want.  If you're only going to spend 20 seconds on my page you might as well walk away with something!:

1. Smoke 'em BIG PEACE PIPE, imported beer & conversations.
2. Wasted time, College Education & The Interview Process

1. I got to sit out last night and have some deep thoughts with JB, named my pipe "Clive" (2 eprops to whoever can guess who it's named after).  Good Celtic Blend of tobacco from up in smoke, and an Indian Beer (really bitter and hoppy - awesome).  It's so good to have stimulating thoughts, really deep rich conversations with another guy.  There's somethign really nourishing about that to the spirit.  I'm blessed to have such a great friend.

2. How much of your college education do you actively use? What did you learn in college that helped you to succeed, or help you to get where you are going?

In a nutshell, college is to get a grade, it's a time to learn how to grow up and then throw you out when the 4 year timer goes off. How does that help to get a job, with a bachelors degree? It doesn't.  So we see 24 year old kids moving back to moms hosue to play video games because their timer never went off. The idea is to learn books yeah, but to learn how to operate in the world on your own.  IF mommy & daddy pay for it all while you pass with D's and play Halo 2 for half a decade then you come out a degenerate.  What does your interview look like then after college? Weak at best.  You've got nothing to offer than the best you did to pass.  Free rides always wind up costing you at the end.

When asked the ? "What would you say if somebody more qualified came in and applied for the same job?"
If you can honeslty say even close to this (and I hope that one day I can) then you've got a good start.
"I will do this job well, I show up on time, work hard and my personal life doesn't get in the way of my work like.  I work well with people because I like motivating people to do well, but I can be trusted to finish a job without supervision.  Give me 8 hours of work and I'll do it in 6..." and I'm lost in the rant.  But long rant summarized.  Work hard at everything you do so you can be proud of it.

Headed out today to get some pictures for calebf.com and coloredorange.com done. Headed out with the great Jonathan Ivy (spent way more time than I did with Agung Fauzi, and is all the better for it!).  I'll be in touch!